
Why Red Teaming Maximizes Resources and Minimizes Biases in the Face of Complex Security Decisions

If you’ve ever presented a recommendation and wished you had hard facts and logic to back up your reasoning, you’ll want to hear why red teaming is critical to not only solving this dilemma but maximizing time and resources that are often spent going back to the drawing board to think of alternate solutions for complex security-related issues.

Brian McDermott is an expert on red teaming and began his career serving 20 years as a Marine aviator retiring in 2016 as a Lieutenant Colonel. His supporting establishment tours include Faculty Advisor and Naval Expeditionary Operations Course Director at the USMC Expeditionary Warfare School and as the Marine Corps University (MCU) Red Team Director after successful completion of the 9-week Red Team Leaders course at the U.S. Army University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies (UFMCS). He is the founder and President of Red Teaming Solutions & Training, LLC.

Brian joins host Chuck Randolph to discuss:

  • What red teaming is and why it’s needed in both the intelligence community and corporate world.
  • How red teaming has helped him develop an appreciation of “VUCA” environments (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous).
  • Implications of not using red teaming in organizations.
  • The importance of using common operating language and communicating recommendations in a way the audience understands.