What Security Teams Miss When Researching Known (and Unknown) Threats

With so much data available online, it’s challenging for corporate security teams to know what potentially dangerous information they may be missing. Many teams today lack an efficient data collection process, leading to gaps in the critical information organizations rely on to make informed decisions.

Join enterprise security experts from Capital One, Qualcomm, and Ontic to learn how instating and following research processes can help prove the value of your security program and prevent missing information. 


 Hear about how to strengthen your intelligence program through:

Research Workflows

Get best practices for operationalizing fact-finding

Multiple Data Sources

Hear how leveraging different tools can provide a deeper understanding of threats

Data-Informed Decisions

Validate your next course of action by analyzing the intelligence available

Earn ASIS continuing professional education credits by watching this webinar.


Wendy Bailey

Threat Assessment Manager
Capital One

Allan Vitkosky

Global Security Senior Manager

Virginia Simmons

Senior Security Intelligence Analyst

Charles Randolph

Chief Security Officer

Earn ASIS continuing professional education credits by watching this webinar.