
Listen in as we explore the world of safety, security, and protection, speaking with practitioners, bestselling authors, and corporate security leaders.

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The JFK Assassination: When Protection Changed Forever

Whether you remember where you were when JFK was assassinated or have read about it since, we can all agree that there are many elements that remain unclear. Decades later, witnesses are sharing new details and angles to the case…

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How to Quantify Risk with Global Crisis Management Expert Scott McHugh

The feeling of surprise is a dreaded one among security practitioners and decision makers. Despite warnings and signals that provide context that a threat is approaching, it can be difficult for security teams to accept the forecast until a threat…

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Supervisory Special Agent Wendy Bashnan on the Three Factors That Shape Human Capital

You don’t have to look too far to realize that the threat landscape is evolving dramatically. With that comes an increased need for a workforce that expands far beyond day-to-day tactical skills. As the lead advisor of all security and…

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Scott Stewart and Fred Burton Discuss the Attack Cycle and Pre-Operational Surveillance

Whether in person or in a movie, everyone has seen a threat actor trying to blend in. They may be looking at a newspaper upside down on a park bench or staring a little too intently at their target. Being…

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How the U.S. Capitol Riots Forever Changed the Value of a Proactive Security Approach

The riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 took many by surprise. Unfortunately, this feeling of surprise was felt by security and protection agencies near and far. It forever changed how we value protective intelligence and proactive threat…

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The Risk Profile and Motivation Behind Fully Armored Vehicles

There are not many car owners who contemplate the glass longevity, degree of sunlight exposure, or whether or not Windex has been applied to the inside and outside of the windows. However, these are exactly the types of details that…

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What Makes Someone Predisposed to Stalking and the Shifting Threat Landscape

Stalkers tend to exhibit similar behaviors and mannerisms — more or less an unhealthy fixation with an individual or group. But what causes or makes these individuals predisposed to stalking? The answer is not an easy one and it’s a…

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Situational Awareness: What an Attacker is Looking For with Kelly Sayre

Have you ever stepped back to think about how you carry yourself as you walk down the street? Everything from your posture, to your line of sight, to what you are fidgeting with (cellphone, anyone?) is what an attacker is…

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Former CIA Special Agent Shares Perspective on the Timeless Practice of Executive Protection

The concept of close protection has been around since the beginning of mankind. When villages knew a threat was approaching, they designated one person (or a small group) to step forward and protect the community. While the field of protection…

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The Patterns Behind Mass Shootings and the Creation of The Violence Project

We all have events or situations in our childhood that shape who we are today. While many are uplifting, there are less fortunate people who encountered childhood trauma, setting them off track to commit some of the most upsetting crimes….

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