A Commitment to Disrupting the Top Physical Security Threats

This article was originally featured in American Security Today A quiet day in the life of a physical security professional is an accomplishment in every sense of the word. Working tirelessly to ward off any unwanted surprises, one can only hope they are covering all bases as the categories of threats continue to expand and…

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American Companies Are Not Prepared for Physical Threats

The threat landscape has changed dramatically. As a nation, we’re seeing an uneven recovery, with masks and social distancing in some places, while others are wide open. Concerts and outdoor events are selling out in record time, even as law enforcement agencies warn that domestic extremists could exploit them for violence. The pandemic spurred 15…

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The Digital Transformation of Protective Intelligence within a GSOC

This podcast was originally featured on The Great Conversation. Global Security Operations Centers are increasingly expanding their investigative capabilities by formalizing the methodology within a digital transformation model. We turn to a top-performing security professional with over 15 years of physical security experience covering the entire spectrum of Physical Security; Security Operations, Executive Protection, Security…

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Physical Threats Are Rising: Key Compliance, Legal Issues for GCs

This article was originally featured on Bloomberg Law. It is co-authored by Fred Burton, Executive Director of the Ontic Center for Protective Intelligence, and Scott Shepherd, Chief Legal Counsel. General counsel and chief legal officers are multidimensional leaders who touch every part of an organization, guardians guiding legal and regulatory matters for the business, navigating…

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A Call for Change in Physical Security

Fred Burton’s article was originally featured in Dark Reading. We’re at an inflection point. The threats we face are dynamic, emerging, and global. Are you ready? Despite dedicating the majority of my life to protective intelligence in the private and public sectors, I still find it hard to believe when I see companies that have…

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Protective Intelligence: Mobile Applications are the New Norm

Due to protective intelligence failures, our efforts to identify surveillance were born out of necessity. Technology innovation continues to drive better protection tools. A mobile application enables the officer to rapidly identify persons or vehicles that pose a proximity risk. I’m a big believer in understanding how we got here. Due to protective intelligence failures,…

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How Corporate Security Teams are Evolving

In light of new demands on intelligence programs, security teams have made changes pertaining to team composition, new technology, and the maturing of their programs. Over recent years there have been a number of distinct changes that we have observed as it relates to how corporate security teams operate across all industries. First, the makeup…

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