Following California’s New Workplace Violence Laws Is Good for All Businesses

Workplace violence prevention rules will go into effect in California this summer, and Dr. Marisa Randazzo recommends companies across the country — not just those in the Golden State — consider incorporating the policies. This article was originally featured in Corporate Compliance Insights This year, California will become the first state to require most employers to implement…

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Implications of AI for Corporate Security

On February 29, I was honored to serve as the moderator for a panel on “The Rise of AI and its Impact on Corporate Security” at the 2024 Ontic Summit. The panel not only provided me with a reason to focus my own thoughts on the topic, but to also learn from the insights of the…

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Connected Intelligence: A New Approach to Managing Risk and Enabling Decision-Makers

Ensuring the safety of people and organizations is dynamic, asymmetric, and complex. A sense of permacrisis has driven a need for those tasked with managing risks to constantly perceive imperatives amongst the unyielding view of threat, risk, and problematic issues. Ontic championed the cause of Protective Intelligence and its concepts for collecting and providing information…

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Separating Signals From Noise: The Biggest Security Challenge Moving Forward

See how generative artificial intelligence is revolutionizing threat detection and risk mitigation. This article was originally featured in Forbes When I started my career as a counterterrorism investigator, information was much harder to come by. A single clue was hard-earned and often involved following breadcrumbs and retracing steps. Real-time data was even rarer since the…

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Tomorrow’s Security Teams Need a Female Talent Pipeline

I’ve worked in various roles within law enforcement and security, from positions in the U.S. Secret Service to campus public safety at a large urban university, to private sector security consulting.  And while there have been significant advances in the field of security generally, there are still too few women, in professional roles, in both…

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Drones and the Law: Can They Hover Over Your House or Property?

This blog was written by Texas A&M University Professor and former Assistant United States Attorney, Ron Sievert. As we enter 2023, many of us understand that in the next few years, we will be confronted with over flights by and questions about drones. Those of us involved in law enforcement, intelligence, scientific exploration and research…

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Balancing Data, Leading By Experience

This article was originally featured in Security Magazine Just over a decade ago, I got my first glimpse into how digital technology would significantly change the security industry. I was working with a Fortune 500 company as an embedded contractor, and my job was to build its protective intelligence program. A seemingly innocuous comment on…

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Cyber-Physical Convergence is Happening, But Not Fast Enough

Leaders should drive discussions about triggers that cause decision-making. When and how should analysts escalate an issue? When should the cybersecurity team check in with HR about an employee’s behavior? Answering these questions and putting processes in place to help will increase your ability to respond proactively to threats and create a common operating picture…

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The Tail Wagging the Dog

This podcast was originally featured on The Great Conversation CEOs manage risk and opportunity. How well they do that determines their path to value. So, who should be at the table helping the C-level team navigate risk and opportunity? What data should be collected, organized, analyzed, and communicated? How should it be contextualized to meet…

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Why the Insider Threat Will Motivate Cyber and Physical Teams to Collaborate More Than Ever in 2022

This article was originally featured in IFSEC Global The convergence of cyber and physical security functions reflects the increasing interplay of digital systems and the physical world, and the growing consensus that a gap in one realm leaves the other exposed. But silos between the two security functions continue to exist. In some cases, it’s…

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Study Finds Increase in Cybersecurity and Physical Security Attacks Against Executives

Cybersecurity and physical security to prevent executive attacks

In the art of protective and tactical intelligence, trends and analytics matter. Information and intelligence feed “living” threat assessments and should drive your cybersecurity and physical security strategy, coverages, and resources. Protection resources cannot be logically allocated to protect executives and companies without first understanding the holistic threat landscape. In the executive protection security space,…

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