Fred Burton’s 2024 Summer Reading List

Protectors read books, while travelling, in airports, follow-cars, hotel rooms, or during down time in GSOCs. We especially love a good thriller in our industry, along with thought provoking non-fiction. With that in mind, here are a few perfect summer reads, combined with books that have been turned into television and streaming. Nuclear War: A…

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Fred Burton’s 2023 Holiday Reading List

Take a look at Fred’s must-reads for the holiday season. I always enjoy thinking back over the last year, remembering the new books that I’ve enjoyed and learned from, but also the books I’ve read in the past that resurfaced in life and work this year. When putting together a book and film recommendation list,…

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Organized Retail Crime in Focus

Fighting ORC is possible, but without a holistic view and fully resourced corporate security teams and law enforcement partners, it can be an uphill battle. This article was originally featured in Security Magazine We’ve become all too familiar with the social media videos capturing a shoplifter running out of the store with a haul of…

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Separating Signals From Noise: The Biggest Security Challenge Moving Forward

See how generative artificial intelligence is revolutionizing threat detection and risk mitigation. This article was originally featured in Forbes When I started my career as a counterterrorism investigator, information was much harder to come by. A single clue was hard-earned and often involved following breadcrumbs and retracing steps. Real-time data was even rarer since the…

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Collections from a Lifetime in Protection 

Anyone who has read my memoir Ghost: Confessions of a Counterterrorism Agent (Random House, 2008) knows I grew up in the Washington, D.C. area in the 1960s and 1970s. It was a different era when blue-collar families like mine could afford to co-mingle with the Washington power brokers and elite. Geography is always important, and…

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Family Offices: What They Get Right About Security, and What Companies Can Learn from Them

This article was originally featured on ASIS Security Management Family offices are privately held companies that often handle wealth management and investments for heads of companies, executives, and high-profile individuals—many of whom are quite wealthy. But these organizations often have broader responsibilities. Over the years, they’ve become among the best when it comes to protective intelligence and…

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Fred Burton’s 2022 Holiday Reading List

This holiday season all of the books on my list focus on espionage, cops, crime, and disasters. Would you expect any less?  As usual, I’ve included a few of my favorite classics, some books that are new to the bookshelves this year, and two soon-to-be released books to fill your holiday list. Do you have…

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4 Ways Corporate Security Teams Can Better Respond to Rising Crime Rates

Fred shares how corporate security teams can enhance their response to escalating crime rates, emphasizing proactive measures and collaboration with law enforcement. Since 2019, the world has experienced a lot of unexpected and unprecedented changes. For corporate security professionals, shifting trends in criminal activity are becoming a persistent and ongoing concern. This is especially top…

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Reining in an Epidemic of Workplace Violence in Healthcare

Fred Burton offers strategies and solutions for navigating the surge in workplace violence incidents within the healthcare industry. This article was originally featured in MedCity News The murders of four healthcare workers earlier this year, including two physicians, by a patient at a medical center in Tulsa was a grave reminder of an ever-growing epidemic:…

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Why Corporate Execs Should Prepare For Heightened Polarization

This article was originally featured on Forbes This year alone, the Department of Homeland Security has issued over half a dozen National Terrorism Advisory Bulletins. The latest warned that the U.S. remains in a heightened threat environment. Sadly, the DHS’s bulletins aren’t a new development. For the past few years, domestic extremists and foreign adversaries alike…

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What’s a Threat? That Depends on What Your Job Is

Extreme weather can stop trucks on the road and prevent key personnel from getting in the office, disruptions that can cost millions. Failure to comply with regulations can damage a company’s reputation and drive up operational costs.  These situations present real risks to the business.  Too often, executives in charge of managing one type of…

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Corporate Stances, Potential Blowback and Security Strategies

This article was originally featured on Security Info Watch The drumbeat of bad news for corporate security and risk management seems to be endless: blowback from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the mass shooting in Uvalde, Russia’s war in Ukraine, the upcoming 2022 midterm elections, the ongoing investigation and hearings…

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Personal Observations on the Evolution of Protective Intelligence

“We memorized them and if they were in the crowd they were brought to everyone’s attention.”  – Former U.S. Secret Service agent Jerry Blaine, The LANCER (JFK) Detail (email exchange on January 29, 2021) Author’s Note: Special thanks to Scott Stewart and Mike Parks, protective intelligence professionals who were with me in the trenches from…

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