The Security Professionals’ Dilemma: Does Talking About Safety Make Employees Feel Unsafe?

Explore the balance of security communications in the workplace to foster a safer environment without instilling fear. Security strategy at American organizations can, at times, be something of a contradiction.  More than half of respondents in the 2022 State of Protective Intelligence Report said their company waits until a catastrophe strikes to react rather than…

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Thinking Strategically About Protective Intelligence Programs

Whether you’re establishing a protective intelligence program from scratch, or re-evaluating the way your team’s resources are currently allocated, it may be helpful to step back from the day-to-day issues within your programs and think more strategically. In many organizations, security leaders are too busy fighting literal and figurative fires to consider how they might…

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Why the Insider Threat Will Motivate Cyber and Physical Teams to Collaborate More Than Ever in 2022

This article was originally featured in IFSEC Global The convergence of cyber and physical security functions reflects the increasing interplay of digital systems and the physical world, and the growing consensus that a gap in one realm leaves the other exposed. But silos between the two security functions continue to exist. In some cases, it’s…

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Workplace Violence Considerations for Businesses and Citizens

Due to how normal workplace violence has become in our society, we’ve become conditioned to quickly forget and move on. The “new” attack falls from the news cycle and headlines, taken over by the next big news story of the day.  Take the recent shooting inside the King Soopers, in Boulder, Colorado, for example. This…

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3 Questions to Understand and Analyze Any Threat

No successful team strategizes to win without evaluating who they’re up against. The same goes for security — a program has little chance of success without logically evaluating the risks or assessing the threat(s) at hand. Understanding the Threat The first foundational principle of an effective security program is to understand the threat, which should…

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American Companies Are Not Prepared for Physical Threats

The threat landscape has changed dramatically. As a nation, we’re seeing an uneven recovery, with masks and social distancing in some places, while others are wide open. Concerts and outdoor events are selling out in record time, even as law enforcement agencies warn that domestic extremists could exploit them for violence. The pandemic spurred 15…

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Why Enterprises Must Rethink Employee Safety in a Remote Work Environment

This article was originally featured on Forbes Technology Council. “Staying safe” in today’s workplace usually means taking precautions to protect yourself from Covid-19, but even with millions of people across the globe working remotely, corporate security and HR teams still need to consider the issue of workplace violence. A virtual workforce has pushed potential threats…

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