Structuring the Unstructured: Consolidating Reports into One Cohesive Record 

Discover how combining your investigative research into a configurable, cohesive report can help surface more from your findings. Over the past few articles, I’ve shared my perspective on why building the right data structure matters. I’ve also emphasized the importance of finding security solutions that can surface critical information fast. Next, I want to touch…

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Prioritizing Threat Actors: 3 Steps to Uncovering and Concentrating on Your Most Significant Risks

Learn how to sift through the noise and focus on the threats likely to significantly impact your organization. The Growing Challenge of Accurate Prioritization Gather Information on Persons of Interest (POI) Conduct Threat Assessments Determining Risk Bringing it All Together: The Power of Connected Intelligence Via a Centralized Platform The ever-expanding threat landscape and data…

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The New Information Landscape is Changing How Security Leaders Work

This article was originally featured in Security Magazine Imagine a scenario many security practitioners are familiar with: A bizarre post on an obscure social media account surfaces. It could be construed as a threat against a company executive. But it’s unclear. To further complicate the situation, a different executive at the organization has recently been under public…

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How to Create a Comprehensive Investigative Research Process

Get insights from security leaders from Capital One, Qualcomm, and Ontic. In an increasingly digital world, staying informed is not just an option for security teams; it’s a necessity. Corporate security teams can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of threats pouring in, not to mention the variety of sources they’re coming from. As…

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Organized Retail Crime in Focus

Fighting ORC is possible, but without a holistic view and fully resourced corporate security teams and law enforcement partners, it can be an uphill battle. This article was originally featured in Security Magazine We’ve become all too familiar with the social media videos capturing a shoplifter running out of the store with a haul of…

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5 Things California Employers Should Consider to Comply with Senate Bill 553

If you are an employer in California, you’ve probably heard about Senate Bill 553, the legislation requiring most California employers to take steps to prevent and respond to workplace violence and threats. After opposition from various business groups and labor unions prompted the removal of some controversial provisions, the bill passed the California legislature and…

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‘Mission First, People Always:’ A Mantra for Security Talent

This article was originally featured in Security Management. The phrase “Mission first, people always” is a common mantra in the military, and it is often borrowed in leadership studies. It’s a vision of success that invests in the success of those around you, a sense of shared mission (the why), no matter your specialty or…

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The Guide to Establishing an Intelligence Baseline

Over the years, we’ve recognized a significant lack of processes in place that would enable security professionals to gain a better understanding of their data. Defining an Intelligence Baseline MVP Applying an MVP to Your POI Investigations Investigative Workflow Stages Connecting Data to Get a More Holistic View of Threats  Putting It All Together We…

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