
Product Showcase: Incidents, Investigations and Case Management


Join Ontic for a 45-minute product showcase as we highlight our Incidents, Investigations and Case Management suite — a single solution to track incidents, conduct research, and take action to mitigate risks and protect people and assets.


Register to watch a live demo from Ontic experts on how to:

See how you can automate time consuming research processes to increase your team's productivity

Maximize efficiency and be more effective with in-depth integrated research, automated connections, link analysis and cross-functional collaboration

Learn how to reduce liability and mitigate risk through standardized reporting

Track what matters with resource metrics, timelines and cost details to provide customized, consistent reports and inform process improvements

Understand how you can seamlessly integrate your existing workflows into one, centralized database

Create workflows, customized roles, and layouts to ensure consistent documentation of data collection, compliance and automated tracking


Rob Watkins

Manager, Product Coaching

Eric Boger

Vice President, Solutions Evangelist