
Product Showcase: Investigative Research


If your security team is missing just one piece of critical intelligence, you’ll have an incomplete picture of the state of security within your organization. In today’s uncertain environment, it’s more important than ever to make decisions that are grounded in facts. Expanding the use of additional investigative research tools can help security teams proactively uncover additional intelligence and get a more comprehensive picture of their threat landscape.


Watch a demo from Ontic experts on how to:

Implement the Usage of Research Tools

Use adverse media, court records, LexisNexis, and TLO public records to strengthen your intelligence collection

Prepare for a Proper Investigation

Get ahead of threats by leveraging additional data points and in turn, strengthen action plans

Integrate Tools into One Platform

Start using these tools within the Ontic platform so all your data is connected in a single system of record


Thomas Kopecky

Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer

Harris Maidenbaum

Director of Product, Integrated Product Solutions

Rob Watkins

Product Coach