
Getting Proactive with Protective Intelligence

This article was originally featured on ASIS International.

The deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol on 6 January 2021 reinforced the concept that chief security officers’ modern day physical security programs must prioritize protective intelligence to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate harmful threats. As the FBI and law enforcement officials comb through hundreds of thousands of digital media tips to unmask those who breached the Capitol, security professionals are pondering how to better leverage technology for awareness and threat assessments.

This is not just a passing need; 87 percent of security, legal, and compliance executives agree that investment in technology to advance physical security effectiveness and mitigate violent threats is necessary for the future of their company, according to a recent study from the Ontic Center for Protective Intelligence. Whether because of incentives or altruism, corporations must think differently about safety, and CSOs will need to bring new methods of protection to the table. 2021 marks an inflection point for organizations, and the threats we face will be dynamic, emerging, and global.

Read the complete article here on ASIS International.

Fred Burton