Demonstrating the Value of Your Corporate Security Program

Despite security leaders’ best efforts, it can be difficult to pin down the value of their team’s work, whether the value is operational (saving time, reducing costs, identifying POIs) or psychological (reducing fear, recognizing concerning behavior).

Hear corporate security leaders from Intuit, Take-Two Interactive, the Security Executive Council, and Ontic as they provide real-world examples of how they prove the value of their intelligence programs and what they do to demonstrate ROI.


Watch the video to learn:

Best Practices for Gaining Support

Learn how to win over and get sustaining buy-in from executive leadership and the broader team

How to Convey the Business Case

Articulating the importance of security for business continuity, financial stability and organizational reputation

How to Demonstrate your Vision

Changing the perception (internally and externally) of the security team from a cost-center to a value-add department

Earn ASIS continuing professional education credits by watching this webinar.


Joshua Levin-Soler

Senior Director, Global Security Intelligence & Operations at Take-Two Interactive Software

Alana Forrest

Director of Global Safety and Security at Intuit

Dan Sauvageau

Former CSO of Fidelity; current Security Executive Council Emeritus Faculty

Chuck Randolph

Executive Director of Strategic Intelligence at Ontic

Earn ASIS continuing professional education credits by watching this webinar.