
As Athletes Play, Bad Actors Can Prey: Why Protective Intelligence is Needed in Sports

This article was originally published in Athletic Business.

Last year, Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana was at home with his family when he discovered an intruder trying to kidnap his granddaughter from her playpen. Fortunately, Montana and his wife were able to wrestle the 9-month old out of the woman’s arms before any serious harm could be done, and the intruder was subsequently arrested.

While the woman’s motives remain unknown, the event highlights the potential threats professional athletes face. Beyond their personal wealth and high public profiles, athletes are of course significantly valuable to their teams. So threats to the team are a real danger to the players, and threats to the players must be taken seriously by the team – even beyond security at sporting events.

The average NFL team was worth approximately $3.05 billion dollars in 2020, a 7% increase from 2019 despite a season largely without in-person fans. Professional teams expectedly go to great lengths to protect the players, physical assets, and brand image that contributes to those valuations. But are they doing enough?

For the complete article, check out Athletic Business.

Fred Burton